Friday, August 21, 2009

The Price of Obama Doing Business

The Terrible Cost of Eating the Rich
When government bites the hand that feeds it, the hand just may bite back.

By Dan Kennedy
Business & Media Institute
8/19/2009 11:49:09 AM

It’s rare to find reason to praise Newsweek Magazine. But in the July 20 issue, they revealed a little something about the high cost of taking too much from the rich.

Quote: “Trickle-down economics is a despised phrase and concept to many, but it also embodies a harsh reality.” (Note the word: reality.) Continuing: “The rich often play a pivotal role in U.S. economic growth, and if they are enfeebled, then the consequences are widespread.”

The trouble with slowing the engine of the train is that the caboose slows down too; it doesn’t get anywhere faster. The problem with Obama’s plan to send all the bills for his every scheme to the rich is all the collateral damage.

Summarizing from the Newsweek article:

Households with more than $200,000 in income corral only 3.4 percent of all income but do 14 percent of the consumer spending, the only real force that creates and sustains jobs. What I’d point out is, if put upon, it is infinitely easier for us rich folks to cut back our spending by half than it is for low income earners to cut their spending at all. The lower on the income ladder, the higher the percentage of income is spent on necessities. The higher the income, the more discretionary spending and flexible spending choices. If the $200,000+ earners cut their spending by half, and contribute only 7 percent of all consumer spending instead of 14 percent, what then? Well, yes we can. And don’t kid yourself, we already are.

Next from Newsweek: the rich also pay most of the taxes. In 2006 – the last year for which complete data is accessible – the richest 1 percent paid 28 percent of all federal taxes, the richest 10 percent paid 55 percent. Might I point out, should the rich decide they are being ruthlessly and unjustly targeted and take twice as much time off and cut their incomes intentionally by 10 percent or 20 percent for a few years, the federal government will find itself starved of incoming tax revenue. As a result, tax increases on everybody else – notably the middle class, who have no such choices – will multiply fast and furiously.

And I assure you hundreds and hundreds of high 6-figure and 7-figure earners intend doing exactly that. I have close consultative relationships with them, and I know that in both their strategic business plans and personal goals they will deliberately cut back. They’ll take on less responsibility, invest less, delay new store openings or other expansions. They may take extra time off or even complete sabbaticals. They’ll reduce their incomes and just coast until they no longer feel Obama’s crosshairs on them. The more taxes he aims at us, the less tax revenue he’ll get, which will send him to your middle class door.

Next from Newsweek: the wealthy dominate charitable giving. The top 10 percent in income and wealth account for nearly 50 percent of all contributions to charities. Oh, and by the way, if you’d like to see a big jump in health care costs, get rich people to stop building hospital wings and donating to research groups.

And if that top 10 percent just cut back on their charitable giving a little, I wonder how many jobs disappear from the non-profit sector? How many food banks and theaters and zoos and community centers and what-have-you’s will have to cut back services and programs? Shuttle buses for seniors stop, food deliveries to shut-ins stop, free medical clinics shutter.

Finally from Newsweek: wealthy individuals are an important source of venture capital – funds invested in start-up companies. I would mention that a robust start-up of new businesses is essential just to replace the dying out of antiquated industrial businesses, the outsourcing of jobs overseas, the closing of business starved for capital and financing; just to stay even. If we evil rich stop putting our money at risk, even for a little while, the total number of available jobs shrinks and shrinks and shrinks.

Oh, and yes we can. Yes we can. Yes we can.

Dan Kennedy is a serial entrepreneur, adviser to business owners, sought-after speaker and author of 13 books. More information about Dan can be found at, and a free collection of his business resources including newsletters and webinars at
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Sunday, August 16, 2009

School Days, School Days

David and Witt start school Thursday. Weird day to start to school, but whatever. They are going to be in 3rd and 1st grade. My heart about stopped when I realized that today. THIRD and FIRST grade?? When did that happen? Will still has two more weeks at home, but that will give us some time to have quality mother/son time.

I can't get over how fast they are growing up. Seems like another year has come and gone...Will, my youngest, just turned four. My oldest will be nine in three weeks. And, Dave and I just celebrated our 12th anniversary. Doesn't seem possible.

I am looking forward to Halloween this year for some unknown reason. We (Dave and I) are going as Maid Marion and Robin Hood. The boys change their minds regularly, so we are waiting until the day gets a bit closer. I know someone is going to want to be a Transformer of some kind...just not sure who and which one they will choose. :)

My job is part time now. For the first time in my adult life, I do not have a full-time job. It's kinda nice. I don't really have to work, but I've always wanted to. I am looking forward to having a bit more free time to participate in school activities and get back to riding horses. We have this neighbor who is looking for riders and I might just volunteer myself a few hours a week. I rode competitively for 24 years. I miss it. Horses have always been my passion, so I am hoping to test the waters in the fall.

I am also planning on going back to school for another Masters Degree. Tulane has some great programs and we'll see how it goes.

I am liking New Orleans, but I really miss Texas...alot. I would not mind it at all if we got orders to Dallas in two years. That would make it move 28 for me and 13 since I married Dave. I get restless if I stay put for too long.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Summer is Almost Over

Ok, ok. So, after constant badgering from friends and colleagues, I have finally succumbed and started a blog. Should I start at the beginning or just start with right now?

We'll start with now, and fill you in on the details as we go along.

Summer is almost over and I'm kinda sad. Summer is our chance to go to the beach. We are all beach babies--me, Dave, David, Witt and Will. We'd live in our little beach igloo, soaking up sun rays, all sporting sun-brassed hair and tan lines that show we own more than one sporty swim suit. I hate those cutesy little two piece numbers with ties everywhere that prevent participating in real water sports. Head back to the beach towels, little girls. My ensemble involves a top, some board shorts and a rash guard.

The last few places we've lived (Va. Bch., California) have had some sort of actual beachline. We live in New Orleans now and all that has changed. Decent beaches are hours away. We did get to Key West, however. The kids enjoyed the Hog's Breath and the freak show at the pier. The water is crystal clear, but not smooth enough for boarding. I'm missing wakeboarding this year. Partly because I had countless surgeries for a neck injury, but also because we just couldn't work it in between using our vacation time to visit family and Dave's work schedule. I think next year, we'll hold on to our days off for our actual vacation. We are looking to take the kids to Disneyworld for either Thanksgiving or Christmas this year and possibly a visit to The Great Wolf Lodge in Grapevine. I guess the beach will have to wait another winter---do they have those in New Orleans?