Sunday, August 16, 2009

School Days, School Days

David and Witt start school Thursday. Weird day to start to school, but whatever. They are going to be in 3rd and 1st grade. My heart about stopped when I realized that today. THIRD and FIRST grade?? When did that happen? Will still has two more weeks at home, but that will give us some time to have quality mother/son time.

I can't get over how fast they are growing up. Seems like another year has come and gone...Will, my youngest, just turned four. My oldest will be nine in three weeks. And, Dave and I just celebrated our 12th anniversary. Doesn't seem possible.

I am looking forward to Halloween this year for some unknown reason. We (Dave and I) are going as Maid Marion and Robin Hood. The boys change their minds regularly, so we are waiting until the day gets a bit closer. I know someone is going to want to be a Transformer of some kind...just not sure who and which one they will choose. :)

My job is part time now. For the first time in my adult life, I do not have a full-time job. It's kinda nice. I don't really have to work, but I've always wanted to. I am looking forward to having a bit more free time to participate in school activities and get back to riding horses. We have this neighbor who is looking for riders and I might just volunteer myself a few hours a week. I rode competitively for 24 years. I miss it. Horses have always been my passion, so I am hoping to test the waters in the fall.

I am also planning on going back to school for another Masters Degree. Tulane has some great programs and we'll see how it goes.

I am liking New Orleans, but I really miss Texas...alot. I would not mind it at all if we got orders to Dallas in two years. That would make it move 28 for me and 13 since I married Dave. I get restless if I stay put for too long.

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