Sunday, August 2, 2009

Summer is Almost Over

Ok, ok. So, after constant badgering from friends and colleagues, I have finally succumbed and started a blog. Should I start at the beginning or just start with right now?

We'll start with now, and fill you in on the details as we go along.

Summer is almost over and I'm kinda sad. Summer is our chance to go to the beach. We are all beach babies--me, Dave, David, Witt and Will. We'd live in our little beach igloo, soaking up sun rays, all sporting sun-brassed hair and tan lines that show we own more than one sporty swim suit. I hate those cutesy little two piece numbers with ties everywhere that prevent participating in real water sports. Head back to the beach towels, little girls. My ensemble involves a top, some board shorts and a rash guard.

The last few places we've lived (Va. Bch., California) have had some sort of actual beachline. We live in New Orleans now and all that has changed. Decent beaches are hours away. We did get to Key West, however. The kids enjoyed the Hog's Breath and the freak show at the pier. The water is crystal clear, but not smooth enough for boarding. I'm missing wakeboarding this year. Partly because I had countless surgeries for a neck injury, but also because we just couldn't work it in between using our vacation time to visit family and Dave's work schedule. I think next year, we'll hold on to our days off for our actual vacation. We are looking to take the kids to Disneyworld for either Thanksgiving or Christmas this year and possibly a visit to The Great Wolf Lodge in Grapevine. I guess the beach will have to wait another winter---do they have those in New Orleans?

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